Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Devised Theatre: A Non-Traditional Approach to Playmaking

What makes something a play?

We're all more or less familiar with the traditional model: It has a strong narrative; a basically linear plot structure; and realistic, relatable characters who speak compelling, recognizable dialogue. Sometimes the plot structure varies (multiple points of view, flashbacks, etc.). Sometimes the characters are abstract rather than realistic. Sometimes the tone of the dialogue is heightened or lowered, elaborate or extremely simple. Sometimes there are musical numbers and dancing. But really, they're all variations on the same basic idea - that plays are dramatized stories that happen live on stage.

We have a general sense of the traditional playmaking process as well, whether we're aware of it or not. We hear about the premiere of a new play, and many - if not most - of us picture a playwright sitting alone at her desk typing away on her computer; when the script is finished, she hands it off to a director, who works with actors and designers to "put it on its feet." There might be minor changes to the script during the rehearsal period, and there will probably be a great many discoveries about the characters, the story, and the world of the play in rehearsals and production meetings, but the heart of the play - the script - is primarily the work of the playwright, originating in one person's imagination and created in solitude.

Theatre is an art form remarkably well-suited to storytelling, and the traditional play development model has lasted for centuries because it works. But is this all theatre can do? Is this the only way of playmaking? Of course not!

Devised theatre offers an alternative to the mainstream - both in terms of what the play is and how it gets developed. Devised pieces often resist the label of "play" because their goals are focused less on storytelling (in the linear, narrative sense) and more on providing the audience with an "experience." They tend to rely heavily on image, movement, and sound (rather than simple text), and they often involve layering many artistic disciplines into a single performance.

The differences between devised work and traditional plays arise to some extent from the method of playmaking. Devised pieces rarely begin with a script in the usual sense; they often begin with an image, a concept, a sound, a metaphor. This first idea then develops into a performance during a lengthy and highly collaborative rehearsal process through artistic exploration, improvisation, research, discussion, game-playing, etc. In a devised piece, the traditional "roles" of writer, director, designer, and performer are fluid rather than defined, and every member of the ensemble has a real sense of ownership of the work. The emphasis on collaboration encourages the artists to arrive at a collective vision, not to realize the vision of a single individual.

Perfect Union is a devised piece, created in part by a group of student writers and in part by our ensemble cast and production team. It is a collage of sorts, and its creators come from diverse locations, backgrounds, and fields of study. Our goal is to explore immigration and the American identity, and for us the form and process are as much a part of our mission as the content.

One of the great advantages of a piece like ours is that it embraces complexity. It speaks in many languages and and with many voices; it explores multiple points of view and allows for multiple points of access. It demands that you listen to others and think for yourself, making you - the audience - collaborators in the piece as well.

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